Ready to add a eucalyptus to your plant collection? Great idea! Native to Australia, eucalyptus trees make good houseplants. They can also be kept in pots outdoors or in flower beds during the summer, even in our northern climate. On top of that, their highly decorative foliage gives off an invigorating, minty fragrance that brings a clean, fresh feel to the house and backyard. Although their upkeep can be a bit challenging, once you know how to care for them, it’s entirely possible to see them thrive at home. Discover all the secrets of how to care for your eucalyptus inside and outside your house this summer.
How to care for eucalyptus plants indoors

Although there are slight differences from one cultivar to the next, the basic needs of eucalyptus plants are pretty much the same. Here are the key elements for keeping your potted eucalyptus happy, healthy, and thriving.
- What potting soil should you use? Use a draining potting soil, such as Fafard Indoor Plant Potting Mix, because even though eucalyptus plants are great water consumers, they don’t like stagnant water, which can cause root suffocation. Plant them in large pots because these plants need plenty of room to grow.
- Where should you place your eucalyptus plant? Position it in a very bright location, ideally near a south- or east-facing window where it will receive plenty of direct sunlight. During the winter months, add artificial lighting if you notice your plant losing vigor.
- When should you water your eucalyptus? Water your eucalyptus tree approximately once a week so that the soil remains slightly damp between watering sessions. Keep an eye out for wilting leaves, a clear sign your plant is thirsty. Remember that eucalyptus plants don’t like stagnant water but do love moisture. If yours is in a very dry setting, place it on a tray of water-soaked clay balls to provide the moisture it needs.
- When should you fertilize your eucalyptus? Fertilize your plant during the growing season, from March to October, with a balanced houseplant fertilizer following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- When and how should you prune your eucalyptus? If needed, prune your plant in early spring to maintain its shape and promote bushy growth. Cut back all branches that are too long or damaged.
Eucalyptus pulverulenta Baby Blue, cinerea Silver Dollar, gunnii Silver Drop, and citriodora are among the most popular varieties found in garden centers. Not only do they enhance the landscape or the inside of the house with their stunning foliage, but they also offer a rich sensory experience with their unique fragrances, featuring hints of menthol and lemongrass.
If you’re looking to complete your eucalyptus collection with complementary plants, consider lemon and orange trees. These citrus varieties have the same light and temperature needs as eucalyptus plants, and their fragrances blend beautifully. For tips on how to care for these potted trees, check out our article “Potted Lemon, and Orange Trees? Yes, Citrus Can Be Grown Indoors!”
Comment entretenir un eucalyptus à l’extérieur?

Whether indoors or out, your potted eucalyptus requires the same basic care, including high-quality, well-draining soil; plenty of direct sunlight; and regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. The thing to keep an eye on is the temperature in the spring and the fall because most eucalyptus plants are very sensitive to frost and cannot survive our winters. We recommend placing your eucalyptus outside only when nighttime temperatures consistently stay above 10 °C and bringing it indoors as soon as temperatures dip below that threshold. After all, these plants are native to Australia and grow where temperatures do not fall below the freezing point.
- Taking your eucalyptus outdoors in the spring: Acclimate your plant gradually by initially placing it in a semi-shaded area sheltered from the wind. Slowly increase its exposure to direct sunlight over a period of 7 to 10 days to avoid sunburn on its foliage.
- Bringing your eucalyptus inside in the fall: Before bringing it indoors, rinse the plant thoroughly with water and spray its foliage with insecticidal soap to prevent any insects or pests from entering your home.
What are the benefits of having a eucalyptus plant in your house?

Eucalyptus trees are valued not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their therapeutic properties. The fresh, invigorating scent released from their essential oil-rich leaves provides antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant benefits that support respiratory health. Their refreshing, minty aroma purifies the air and creates a calming atmosphere, delivering an uplifting sensation that invigorates the senses and soothes the mind.
Although growing eucalyptus in a northern climate demands more attention than in regions better suited to its needs, with proper care and vigilance, your plant can thrive and bring an exotic, fragrant touch to your home or garden during the summer.