With mid-October fast approaching, it’s easy to assume that the gardening season is behind us. Nonetheless, there are still a few important tasks to do to make sure the soil gets off to a great start in the spring. Use the memory-aid below to make sure you don’t forget anything!
1. What to do in the vegetable garden
- Plant garlic. Plant it before mid-October for a spring harvest!
- Prepare the garden soil. Clear away any dead plants, aerate the soil and mix in a little compost.
2. What to do with the plants
- Plant bulbs that flower in the spring such as crocuses, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and muscari. Our plant starter fertilizer with bone meal is perfect for this task.
- Clean out the summer planters: remove the soil from the pots and compost it or mix it into the garden soil.
- Spread mulch around the plant bases to protect their roots from the winter cold.
- Identify dead or dying annuals and pull them out. It is important not to leave them in the ground over the winter.
3. What to do with the trees and shrubs
- You can plant trees and shrubs in October! Use FLOWER+TREE+SHRUB 3/1 Planting mix for successful transplanting.
- Add fertilizer! After all the leaves have fallen and plant growth has stopped for the winter, give them a little Fafard 4-2-8 natural fertilizer for trees and shrubs.
- Prune summer flowering shrubs such as tree hydrangea, potentilla and pink spirea.
- Add a layer of mulch around tree bases to protect their roots from the frost.
- Irrigate all evergreens. Because they don’t fall dormant in winter, they need to store a lot of water to survive. Be generous!
- Protect your most vulnerable shrubs by building them shelters with wood and protective geotextile tarps. Use stakes to support young trees.
4.What to do with the lawn
- Regularly rake the leaves to prevent the lawn from choking. They can be mowed using a mulching mower or simply collected and discarded in biodegradable bags.
- Mow the lawn one last time. We recommend that the grass be cut to a height of 5 cm to protect it from diseases and harmful small rodents.
- Check the soil’s pH and add lime as needed. This will allow you to correct the soil’s acidity and composition for a strong start in the spring.
- Use protective tarps near the road to shield the lawn from cleared snow and damaging debris.
5. What to do with the garden tools
- Empty the hose to prevent it from breaking when it freezes, and store it in the shed.
- Clean all gardening tools and flowerpots.
- Stow the lawnmower: allow it to run until its gas tank is empty and refill it with fresh gasoline. Store it in the shed where it is sheltered from snow. Make sure you clean the blades and oil them as needed to prevent them from rusting.
Complete all these tasks in October to prepare your yard for winter!
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