We spend many hours at the home office, concentrated in front of the computer. When we want to decorate our office, plants are often not the first idea that comes to mind. Average lighting, often complicated watering… and what about repotting or fertilizing? Many plants have the qualifications to become excellent working partners for you, you just have to choose them well.
Medium brightness and low maintenance
For the office, we are looking for plants that can tolerate long periods without watering, think of vacations for example. We also want plants that are not too demanding in terms of lighting and that will not expand too quickly: not always easy to repot the office plant! Here are 5 plants that are particularly well adapted to these conditions, let’s say, not always winning:
Hoya Carnosa
The hoya is nicknamed porcelain flower or wax flower. Indeed, it produces umbels of fragrant flowers, small stars so delicate that you would think they are fake, made of porcelain. It is a perfect plant for the office: the less care you give it, the more it blooms! Considered a semi-succulent tropical plant, then the hoya will do well in a 50-50 mix of INDOOR PLANT Potting mix and Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix. Just water when the potting soil is dry and that’s it. Don’t repot it, don’t prune it and don’t move it, it could sulk for a long time before it blooms again. Remove the faded flowers, but never eliminate the peduncles, because at the next blooming the flowers will be carried by the same ones which lengthen from year to year.
Beaucarnea is called elephant foot because of the shape of its trunk; with its porous texture and swelling at the base: it really looks like an elephant’s paw. Its growth is rather slow and it likes to be tight in its pot, so repotting is not frequent. The elephant foot tolerates dry air well and the potting soil should be allowed to dry completely before watering. If its trunk is shriveled, it is a sign that your plant needs water. You can plant beaucarnea in Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix, its drainage qualities will be well used.
There are hundreds or even thousands of varieties of peperomia. We love it mainly for its beautiful green leaves, often variegated, heart-shaped, whose pattern varies depending on the species chosen. There is even the variety argyreia whose leaves resemble the peel of the watermelon: superb! This plant is relatively fast growing, but as the light decreases, the growth will be slower. Since it fears excess water above all, let the soil dry thoroughly before watering. Planting your peperomia in a half and half mixture of INDOOR PLANT Potting mix and Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix will help.
From the succulent family, haworthia requires minimal care. It is the ideal plant if you spend little time at the office or if you are the type to forget some watering. With its long, spear-like stems that are not prickly as you might think, haworthia adds a nice punch to the decor. Since it’s small in size and doesn’t require a large amount of potting soil, this is an opportunity to pick up a cup you like or another meaningful container to set your plant in. Let the potting soil dry out completely between waterings: completely!
Christmas Cactus
It is called Christmas cactus as it is at this time of the year that it blooms most abundantly. For it to bloom to its fullest, the Christmas cactus must suffer a little. If you can, take it outside in the fall and let it get cold before bringing it in, not until frost, but let’s say a cool October. You can also cut off its water for a while in October, for two to three weeks. You might be surprised at the results! The secret of the Christmas cactus lies in the watering, you must find the right dosage for your plant. Be careful, too much water will cause the flower buds to fall off before they bloom.
One thing is certain, plants bring life and happiness. Adding plants to your office will make your workday even more pleasant and productive. To find the perfect plant for your environment, visit your local garden center.
Looking for the perfect plants for the bathroom or bedroom? Read our articles.